A couple more "patterns" I'd like to bring up for consideration in this design challenge, such as it is, are the cohousing and cooperative (specifically, limited equity housing coop) models that are somewhat widespread among
intentional community projects. Is there a comparable approach for more land-based projects and lifestyles? The main advantage being that this can greatly reduce acquisition, improvement, and upkeep costs when shared among several participants.
Co-housing, often under the umbrella of a community land trust, offers individual ownership of a dwelling space (usually not the land it's on though) and shared access to some common facilities such as a community hall gathering space. Housing coops are simplified further into an equal shareholder model which, for a set price, provides a dwelling space and voice in the overall governance of the facility - usually an apartment, condo, or other multi-family structure.
How might these models could be adapted to a
permaculture property and system, with greater emphasis on land stewardship and productive use? I'm sure there are examples around, but I'm not pulling up good ones besides perhaps some community garden or allotment systems which don't generally allow for residency on site. There certainly are some rural co-housing projects that incorporate permaculture informed site plans and activities, but I suspect most of these are secondary aims, often more of a luxury amenity for people with the capital to buy into the concept as a hobby or aesthetic.
Just a few more seeds for thought, as I'm actively considering a range of possibilities on both a personal project/property, and more broadly for application in regions that are struggling with the intersecting challenges of housing affordability, land degradation, social and cultural dissonance, and overall future oriented resilience and revitalization!