Gardening is a constant learning
experience, it's one of the many things I love about it. In the past I have had terrible luck growing pumpkins. I would get a scrawny vine, that if I was lucky would produce 1 pumpkin. My method was to add about 10 days to the days to produce, and plant then. My thinking was I wanted pumpkins for Halloween, and didn't want them to rot before then, so plant with just
enough time. This was where I think I went wrong. This year I planted pumpkins at the same time I planted my melons, and all my heat loving plants, because my daughter needed pumpkin (she gives it to her 17 year old cat to help with digestion)
Wow what a huge difference a few weeks made. My theory is I was starting the pumpkin when it was very hot, and those little seedlings were in survival mode, never having the chance to thrive.
This year I got so many pumpkins. I wanted to pick them all and take a picture, but it didn't happen. There were pumpkin vines everywhere. We had record breaking heat this summer, and still they thrived. We have been using them for a couple of months now, my daughter bakes them, and freeze's it for her cat. She has made bread, and pie, I I have given several to the
chickens. I counted 30 out there the other day, I don't know what the total was, but it was way more than I could believe, from about 4 mounds of 3 seeds, pretty amazing. I have left them I'm the patch, so picked, some on the vine, and only one has rotted, and I think that was munched on by a critter, so my fear the heat would make them rot, was wrong. They seem to be fine.
I grew all but 1 group on new raised beds. They were over what used to be my
hugelkultur, and filled with soil that was on and in the hugelkultur, with organic
compost and organic soil on the top 4" to 6". The other group I wanted to try "David the good style" in a compost pile. I dumped some unfinished compost, and some almost finished compost in a pile and planted in that. It did produce 3 or 4 pumpkins, but the ones planted in the raised beds did a lot better.
I learned a lot this year. Plant early, so they can thrive during the summer heat. Don't plan so many, at least not with melons. The melons did produce, but I think they would have done better if not being smothered by pumpkin vines.
I will probably plant more than I need next year, because I want to make mini raised boxes maybe 2'X 2'X6" to 8" and put them by my your fruit
trees. They are small enough not to give any shade, but there's space there, so the vines can grow as much as they like, and not interfere with anything, while providing ground cover for the trees. It could be a win, but who knows, time will tell. I will plant a group in one of the raised beds in case the mini boxes don't work.
Growing pumpkins was a blast this year. It was so thrilling to find so many pumpkins. They have so many great uses. We don't really enjoy them as a straight veggie, but they more than make up for it with their versatility. Just gotta love those plentiful pumpkins.