For years I just gave everything away for free. I would present for free. I would even travel for days and present for free. I supported other people that were giving stuff away for free and I supported people that were charging for stuff. Because I supported people making money with
permaculture, I was cast by a few as a "money grubber."
Time passed and it was clear that I have given away more free information on
permaculture than all other
permaculture people combined.
I realized that the podcasts had cost me $6000 to put out for free, so I started to try to find ways to monetize things. Most ideas paid nothing. A few ideas paid a little. The
rocket mass heater kickstarter worked out fantastic!
Now that I am on the
land, I need to accelerate the projects. We need more people and those people need food. We need materials for
shelter and tools. Money, money, money. I will work harder.
I have two new kickstarters in the hopper. Adrien and Rebecca have been working out all sorts of ideas to build
income streams for the empire. We are getting started on offering workshops.
I still do lots of stuff for free. And I'll continue to give stuff away for free. And I'm going to try to pull in
enough money to move all of my projects forward. I have things to prove.
I post this here because some people try to shame people away from making money in
permaculture. I challenge those people to give away more than I have before they start wagging their shaming finger at me or anybody trying to earn money with permaculture. My intention is to direct those shamers to this
thread when it comes up.