Charlie Magee : Welcome to and A Big Welcome to the Permies Rocket, AND
Wood Heaters Forum/Threads! With over 18,000 fellow Members, you will
always find someone here who wants to talk about what you want to talk about ! You can always count on them to have widely even wildly different points of view,
and with different skill sets will have found different ways to 'get the job Done'.
I have seen the entire 4 video DVD set from Permies, it covers a lot of material very well and should definitely be considered a 'must have' for your personal library.
It faithfully follows Ernie and Erica as they give a
workshop and covers the Teaching part of the
Art and Science of Fire, and allowing the paying participants to grasp
the finer points And have hands on, There were other subjects covered also, using a
Rocket Mass Heater to Heat water- (Don't even attempt without going back to school
to learn safe operation of boilers, and have someone else build the system for you,)and even a 'show and tell' where a cook stove was turned into a
coal wood fired forge
for working steel ! The video was planned as an 'addition to' the workshop and was recorded from the back row, so some hands on craftwork was lost or not captured !
Having said that, the other DVD from Ernie and Erica Wisner, was planned to be a complete record of an entire build from beginning to end, and the build itself was well
recorded by a Professional Videographer, and professionally edited. Because of Ernie's and Erica's, high standards, the fact that it will be released this month assures me
that they and Calen Kennett are both satisfied.
There are no winners and losers here just winners and winners, My vote, with a very small caveat is for the single video from Village Video. It started out to be a record-
ing of a complete build with the videographer given priority ( right after the build itself ) !
My very small caveat is a recommendation to go to for a PDF Copy $15.
oo of Evans' and Jackson's Great book '
Rocket Mass Heaters ', there is
other book in any language with more
Rocket Stove, Pocket Rocket,
Rocket Mass Heater family information ! ( and I don't make a zinc penny )
With ~ 100,000 ~ Rocket Mass Heaters built around the word, "the Book'' has been responsible for Most of them ! Together they should
answer virtually all your questions.
If you need help with understanding any part of ether, you always have your fellow members here ! I hope this helps ! For the Good of the Craft !
As always, your comments and questions are solicited and welcome ! Think like Fire, flow like gas, Don't be the Marshmallow ! PYRO - Logically Big AL !