I can’t advise you on what to do, but I can tell you how use the
hugelkultur concept.
First, I don’t make hills. The tropical sun, combined with our wind, sucks the moisture out of things. Hills dry put faster than flat surfaces. Then we often get rain in torrential downpours, so the rain tends to sheet off of slopes. To combat these problems, I make pits.
Before I ever heard the term hugelkultur, I was making layered pits. I’d line to lower part with logs that I wanted to get rid of, assuming that they would very slowly rot over the years. Next in went smaller branches, with soil,
compost, garden waste, and garbage packed in to exclude air pockets. This fill would fill the hole up to soil level. Then I’d top it with scores of layering, like
lasagna, of all sorts of organic trash mixed with some soil. Trash= weeds, lightweight brush cut up using a lawnmower, garbage, manure, soil, rock dust, burnt bone, etc. it surely took a while, but I’d get a good 1-2 foot deep layer of this before planting. It eventually rotted and settled down to surface level or little below.
My "hugelpits" work well for me. I’ve never had to irrigate, they hold
enough moisture, capturing the rain. I haven’t had to add fertilizer, since the pit is one giant compost pit. I do keep the surface mulched to keep the sun and wind off the growing surfaces.
Sounds to me like you have something like my "hugelpits". So maybe just keep adding compost to the surface each year, like I do, would work for you.