Hey all! I'm looking for suggestions for herbs/flowers that are edible/medicinal/tea/etc, (ie: useful to humans) that I can plant from seed, directly in questionable soil this spring after I dig up as much goldenrod, grass, etc as I can (the "weeds"). The picture shows the general area. No berries or actual food, because
deer will walk right past it and bear are in the general area (my kitchen garden will be elsewhere, fenced). Basically I want to start an herb garden type of area in a place I cannot tend much (yet; I don't live there yet, lol), so it needs to take care of itself.
- border of zone 5/6, NY
- full sun
- I will not be testing or amending the soil at this point. I just want to desperately grow something useful, lol.
- not mint because my husband fears it spreading, so that will be somewhere else.
Sounds impossible, BUT we have been making headway removing goldenrod & grass in another area and I discovered mullein, which is doing just that: growing with zero care, regardless of what's around it! I watered it once and I think I heard it whisper in an Arnold Schwarzenegger voice, "Don't bother. I don't need you. You need me." and it just GREW!
I am now in love with mullein, and I need more things like that in my life right now!
It doesn't have to reach maturity or be productive this year; I have time & patience. I just reeeeeally want to see something in that area that I LIKE, and once I can be there more often I can get more particular and plant other things around it, beyond it, or whatever.
PS - I am not too concerned about planning it precisely because there are literally acres & acres of goldenrod & grasses. I just mentally and physically
need to claim a small part of it and see something else!!
