Hi, everyone! A friend told me about these forums a while ago but somehow I never introduced myself!
I've been organic food
gardening since 1992 or so, and about ten years in we never had to go to the store for produce (and we didn't have a huge
yard). My family and I moved to Oklahoma from southern California in 2005 -- some time after that I got the idea to re-do all my landscaping with food plants, not knowing much about it. After doing a lot of research and being frustrated that I had to go ten different places to find the information I wanted on anything, I started my own website about it in October 2010. I don't know if I'm allowed to link to it here but it's on my profile.
It was also after I moved here that I found out about peak oil and started prepping. I've always been more or less a frugal person, I have an MD and before that worked a couple years as an EMT, so for me there hasn't been much of a learning curve. In any case, learning about preparedness
led me to
permaculture. I've read some things about it (including my friend Bob Waldrop's book iPermie) but have never taken any classes.
Anyway, there's me and my husband, our three grown children, and two angora
I like to spin, knit, crochet, sew (costumes mostly -- I like steampunk and SF stuff), and just about anything to do with food -- growing, harvesting, preserving. I usually freeze and dehydrate more than anything else, although I know how to pressure can and I used to make a LOT of jam/jelly when we lived in CA. I eat low-carb lately so I don't do much of that anymore. I've also taken quite a few classes on wildcrafting and foraging
wild edibles, and know how to make wine and
We live in an HOA so I can't get
chickens or anything like that, but I'm building a new hutch for my bunnies right now and when that's done I'm going to get some meat rabbits.
The May 20th tornado came two blocks from our house. Nothing was damaged and no one was hurt, but that and the May 31st storm pretty much destroyed my garden. So I'm working right now on getting it back in order for the fall. I got some great red mustard plants in front which love it out there, chard, garlic, mint, rosemary, sage, daylilies, and two
apple trees. In back I have a cherry tree, a fig tree, a lot of chard, two American persimmons, asparagus and a line of dewberries along what's left of our
Looking forward to getting to know all of you.