Hey, I wrote about that in my blog at http://attention-grabber.com/look-at-me.html
Hey, I wrote an article on building a swale in cold climate at http://useful-content.com/cold-swale.html.
In the article, I describe how I levelled the bottom of the swale and what plants I planted on the swale. I also show pictures of the evolution of the swale over a 5 years period.
If you're looking to find out more about selling on permies, find out more here: How to set up a thread in the Digital Market
Growing Paradise on Planet Earth...Why Not? http://www.growparadise.com
Yes, I'm that David The Good. My books are here: http://amzn.to/2kYcCKp. My daily site is here http://www.thesurvivalgardener.com and my awesome videos are here https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=davidthegood
Adrien Lapointe wrote:@Ben
For books, you can post on the books forum and the magazines don't really fit well anywhere yet, but could be in the products forum for now.
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Natural Building Course - Jan. 9th, 2014
Creative Kid's Camp -
Costa Rica
Come learn and play with us.
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Hans Albert Quistorff, LMT projects on permies Hans Massage Qberry Farm magnet therapy gmail hquistorff
The paid advertising options on permies.com right now:
- banners at the top of the forums, plus get in on the big list which is linked to from every page
- sponsorship in the podcasts
- a paragraph or so in the daily-ish email
- a "tiny ad" in the daily-ish email
- in-forum links
- banners/offers throughout the content at richsoil.com
- producer credits/mention in upcoming youtube videos
- run your video at the top of our forums
- we might be convinced to add a bumper sticker for you
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
How Permies works: https://permies.com/wiki/34193/permies-works-links-threads
My projects on Skye: The tree field, Growing and landracing, perennial polycultures, "Don't dream it - be it! "
It's a beautiful day in the tiny ad neighborhood
Willow Feeder movie