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paul wheaton wrote:I feel like right now is a really good time for people to come who have not listened to podcasts. I would like to think that in the future our position will be "we have lots of people here now, so we are freaky picky."
People that we are now seeking:
1) pod people. They have listened to at least half the podcasts so they know what is going on and why. Having these people here will do a lot to help with conveying knowledge to others.
2) minions. People that are not very familiar with what we are doing here, but are willing to throw their shoulder in and learn while they are here.
People that we don't want:
A) people that will tell us that we are doing it wrong when they have not read the articles or forums; have not listened to the podcasts; have not watched the videos. These people impede the whole group.
B) people that want a tour
C) people that want to be here for just one day (the costs of ramp time and feeding you do not outweigh your contribution)
The longer a person is willing to be here the better. Because then those people can be relied on more and more. And if we have people coming for just a weekend, a long term person can help them personally come up to speed.
I think the food here has been quite good and all organic. Now that we have a kitchen commander, I think the quality will be even higher.
For some of the pod people that have put a lot of time in here and really moved us forward, we have given deep discounts to workshops. I could see doing something similar for the right kinds of minions.
I have mentioned it in this forum in the past: if somebody comes here and puts in a lot for 18 months, I can see expressing my gratitude with something that smells like a deep roots package.
As mentioned in a previous podcast: I think that there will be a lot of business opportunities evolving here as the months pass. And there will be opportunities for real work, or for real businesses.
QuickBooks set up and Bookkeeping for Small Businesses and Farms - jocelyncampbell.com
QuickBooks set up and Bookkeeping for Small Businesses and Farms - jocelyncampbell.com
Rebecca Holman wrote:Jocelyn,
It might be of awesome value..to also outline for those of us that live closer.. like a drivable distance but want to come out and help, as needed, but don't want to get in the way..either.
What to do, what to bring..if we need to stay over night, how much time ahead of time should we communicate our availability?
I would imagine also that there are students at the UofM in Environmental studies and also hang out at The Flats for instance that would appreciate some hands on work, and small pay in exchange..
so once they fit in to your scheme of things..they would be in the same category as Myself..close..but not able to live on the land..YET..
QuickBooks set up and Bookkeeping for Small Businesses and Farms - jocelyncampbell.com
Melissa Sharapova wrote:Greetings, Is the position of Polyculture poobah still open? If so, where do I send a resume?
QuickBooks set up and Bookkeeping for Small Businesses and Farms - jocelyncampbell.com
Jocelyn Campbell wrote:
Melissa Sharapova wrote:Greetings, Is the position of Polyculture poobah still open? If so, where do I send a resume?
Hi Melissa, I see your private message - thank you - and will reply to you by e-mail.
To clarify for all who might be following, we only have a few paid positions at the moment:
1 kitchen/house commander - which has been filled 2-3 minions for helping with construction/infrastructure projects - these might be filled, there is a bit of flux still happening here .
Other paid positions are generally possible, though mostly as a trade for room and board plus a low-to-no stipend for now, and start with a two-week trial period with only room and board at first.
Volunteers are welcome during super weeks, and (to be announced) work parties.
Potential residents who can generate their own income are welcome to discuss options or trial periods as well.
(Edited to clarify that other positions might still be possible this early on.)
Weston Ginther wrote:Any updates on whether the minion positions have been filled yet?
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Jocelyn Campbell wrote: Weather is holding for now <knocks on wood>, though I hear it's getting cold overnight in the tents and tipis.
We don't yet have winter housing for all these folks, which is another weather and time based limit.
QuickBooks set up and Bookkeeping for Small Businesses and Farms - jocelyncampbell.com
QuickBooks set up and Bookkeeping for Small Businesses and Farms - jocelyncampbell.com
Jocelyn Campbell wrote:
After the workshops (ending 10/27), we'll be pulling back and no longer paying for the general labor/minion help this year.
QuickBooks set up and Bookkeeping for Small Businesses and Farms - jocelyncampbell.com
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