Another Oregonian here... with lots of land shopping experience.
I'd add that west of the Cascades is very much like England except for one very big thing -
No rain in the summer months! That's three whole months, mini drought. I do not know how far north this holds true, but it is a characteristic of the PNW (Pacific North West). So around here you will want to plan for water.
Hugelkultur (burying logs) helps a lot, but you'll want enough well+surface water in the summer months to facilitate your homestead projects. We do have pockets of land were summer water is very hard to come by,
wells can slow to a trickle. With out a large water storage tank you cannot do laundry. I have 15 GPM well plus one
pond, south facing slope and seasonal creeks. But my land's features were a hard find in my price range (under 170,000).
And because we are known to have hundreds of valleys (hills too of course) you'll want to make sure you've got sun exposure. It can be harder to find than you might think, depending on $. Places in the path of natural shade + lots of clouds can = lots of dreary cold days.
Lastly, most of the 'natural' soil is deficient in minerals, that is to say the minerals a tied up in the plant life. So study your nitrogen producing plants/trees, because you'll probably want to tweak the natural state of the land a bit
But we love it here in our oak tree forest. We get 'seasons' without extreme weather. You can garden year round with a very simple
greenhouse system. If you rotational graze you do not need to grow/store winter
hay. I live on a foot hill so we get just enough snow on occasion to look like a post card, and then it's gone the next day - beautiful.