Greg Martin wrote:Erica, I think your last picture might be a muscari rather than a lupine. Check out the leaves on this picture of a lupine. You'll notice these leaves out there as well as there are wild lupines growing on Paul's land.
Thistle is probably trying to tell you the soil is exposed or does not have enough other things growing there. Like the dandelion it arrives opportunistically on the wind and occupies any open niche. More problimatic and less desirable than the dandelion; do not let it go to seed unless you plan to collect the seeds for a supplement. .I am curious what this plant is trying to tell us about the soil. Maybe that the soil is compacted? Or perhaps it is an acidic environment?
Hans Albert Quistorff, LMT projects on permies Hans Massage Qberry Farm magnet therapy gmail hquistorff
Hans Quistorff wrote:
Thistle is probably trying to tell you the soil is exposed or does not have enough other things growing there. Like the dandelion it arrives opportunistically on the wind and occupies any open niche. More problematic and less desirable than the dandelion; do not let it go to seed unless you plan to collect the seeds for a supplement. .I am curious what this plant is trying to tell us about the soil. Maybe that the soil is compacted? Or perhaps it is an acidic environment?
Katy Eggeman wrote:I have always called these flowers Grape Hyacinths.
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