Doug Varney : as T.R. has said the local highways Dept -Town, County, or State roads Dept, will know the trouble areas where the supersaturated clay soil
will landslide in a heavy rain and need a front end loader to open the road again, or perhaps there is a 5-25' overburden of clay on top of a working gravel
pit! If that fails (rarely) try a local excavation contractor, he not only knows where the clay is but has an idea of how clean and how thick it is!
To talk directly with the boss tell them you are looking for clean fill for your property! As he has to pay to remove all the material removed from the excavation
he is looking to haul it the shortest distance, if you tell him you are willing to come and pick up the overburden clay yourself he will be your new best friend,
show up at the end of the day or at its beginning to the soil samples and be prepared to do a soil sediment test ! (Google IT )
If the results seem promising, make up some practice bricks !
Air quality yes everything you say is correct, however a few things to consider !
Did you ever see the movie Apollo 13 about the 3 man crew who had to abort a planned trip to the moon after an onboard accident, they were left with little
power and oxygen! The most famous line from the movie " Houson, we have a problem !! "
The failure of the on-board carbon dioxide scrubber was creating the situation where Carbon
Dioxidecould reach levels where it could become a
powerful poison, putting the crew asleep, a sleep from which they would never waken ! A Carbon Monoxide CO detector will not detect the presence of Carbon
Dioxide, CO2, No matter how strong the concentration of CO2 becomes !
During the day with 'normal daylight', Plants are Oxygen producers, however at night they switch and become Oxygen users, a high presence of Carbon Dioxide
CO2 at that time actually hinders the plants further growth ! For the good of the craft ! BIG AL
Late note : As the guy that used to get out of bed on a ''NO Heat Call'' at 4 A.M., I have had the
experience of totally frozen hay bails that quickly equalized
their surface temperatures with the entire mass, actually transporting the cold through the entire mass to the temperatures of the Air against the skin of the
building, basically providing Zero protection against the cold ! For Any insolation to work, it most be protected from All Forms Of water absorption, and that
includes water vapor released days before from (then)warm moist ground ! Hay absorbs water out of their and becomes non-insulative !
Hope this is timely and helps, for the good of the craft, Thinf like fire, flow like a Gas! Don;t be a Marshmallow! All questions/comments are solicited and welcome
PYRO - Magically Big AL !