Mark Kansburg : Welcome To, our sister Site ( check out the RMH videos there ) and a big Welcome to the Rocket and
Wood stoves Forum/Threads ! With over 21,000 fellow members world wide you can come here 24 / 7 and should find someone who wants to talk about what
you want to talk about. I came here to talk about Rocket Mass
Heaters and now am helping people on many forums every day ! Enjoy !
"The Book " is your #1 source of information, any questions you have you can come here for help, and count on 1 or more good answers to your questions.
I expect the good ladies at Dragon Heaters will contact you through these pages, they are very knowledgeable and helpful, you can go from there.
The generally spoken quotation for Heat Energy provided to the living space is 40% off of an uncovered Barrel, and 60% delivered to the Cob Thermal Mass,
many people have had good luck skim coating the barrel, and find that the prompt heat that is not radiated off of the Barrel is simply delivered to ether the Cob
Thermal mass or 'the Bell'
If you are talking about Replacing the Barrel with fire brick I would have rather grave doubts about how well that would work for you especially on a first build,
While the metal skin of the Barrel is able to quickly absorb and re-radiate the heat off of it's surface, the Insulative qualities of the brick slow down the heat
transference, without which we do not have the 'heat engine' that drives our hot exhaust gases 40' horizontally thru our thermal mass!
Please find the list of the previous
Rocket Stove Forum Threads, And click on the
Thread "Fake Fire Brick'', then scroll down to, and read Erica Wisners entire
Tread Extension of Dec 20th, there she corrects a few errors that I posted in that thread! While long it is worth the read, and ill further explain why fire/kiln
brick is not god for the barrel exterior !
Today Dale Hodgins posted a clear description of the difference between T
he Specific Heat a material can hold and heat transference thru that material,
Thermal Conductivity. this will also introduce you to
the Engineers Toolbox
Using Splits or 1/2 thickness fire/kiln bricks to make an exterior wall/shell, while definitely improving your heat transference, will certainly make for a much
more challenging build, into the
class of work done by master masons skilled at building (pricey) masonry heaters !
Most people do not place their barrels of center or eccentric to the heat riser! Generally it has been noted that the side with a narrow or pinched Constant cross
sectional area flows less hot exhaust gases, and runs cooler, This will help you in attempting to locate your
Rocket Mass Heater RMH, closer to possible
exposures you might want to protect while shifting the RMH to make more room for a pass-through or walk way.
Moving the barrel off-center has also been found to promote the smooth and swift flow of hot exhaust ages through the Manifold section where the Exhaust
gases failing vertically, are channeled to then flow horizontally into your Cob Thermal Mass. The manifold is one area while the Cross sectional area should be 2
or 3 Xs the other cross sectional areas, this is an important part that the book is weak on, but nearly everyone agrees that here bigger is better !
A final thought before we move on, a tall Heat Riser, more than 3 Xs longer than the
Feed tube makes for a Rocket burner that performs very well creating a
strong draft. Occasionally, people have reported a reversal of the hot side and cool side of the offset barrel with the Extended Heat Riser,
I Don't Know Why !
Headspace between the Heat Risers Rounded and Sculpted Top and the underside of the barrel is a bit of a trade off, minimum for a 6'' system is usually quoted
at 1.5'' and the minimum for the 8'' system is usually quoted at 2'', This creates a very hot barrel top and is often used as a second cooking, slow cooking and
warming area. Ovens constructed out of nothing more than multiple layers of crumpled Aluminum foil shiny side in have baked bread handily !
Again, the common use of a extra tall Heat Riser, more draft, allows us to easily expand that head space, it also raises the height of a final 'barrel' to heights
un-handy for using the top for any thing but a place to stack additional bricks or a large kettle of
water for winter humidification !
You have not made any reference to your location, or the way your home is built, Beyond cautioning you that your RMH will work best for you if placed in the
very center of your home, and that any attempt to place it in an out of the way location will result in feeding your RMH becoming an unwanted chore, and your
Dragon serving you as poorly as you serve it- You have an existing
wood stove, so you have an idea what I mean, plan your build to always be within earshot
of your RMHs roar. You want to plan your build to protect your exposures leaving a dead air space between your Cob bench and any walls, especially outside
walls, other than that
the answer would be yes !
If the Cob Thermal bench is uniformly built with the horizontally placed ducting at a uniform depth, and well protected with 2+ inches of Cob, than all the rest
of the space within the Bench can be filed with as much 'other' dense materials as you can find, again Cob First, then the dense fill in materials, go back and
re-read that section again, I think you will get a different meaning now !
Yes on the Elbows, the best are the Smooth 3-4 piece adjustable ones, the flexible material made for vertical use in relining chimneys, is very poor.
PLAN Your build around the Idea that you will have to have a vertical chimney !
When Ianto Evans First created the
Rocket Mass Heater, He was able to find a place on the west coast with a stable micro-climate with very steady wind currents
during a curtailed heating season. Next He set out it custom build houses to sit low, down into the
land like
mushrooms all smooth flowing corners and (originally)
nothing over 15' high! With these criteria met, it was easy to design an exhaust that exited at ground level on the leeward site of his house ! This system worked
for him !
I am not picking on you when I say that most people could not tell you in what direction the wind is blowing past their house right now ! A storm of the decade can
come out of a different direction, and make a horizontally discharging RMH unusable !
An Airport 5 miles away could tell you all about its prevailing winds since it was created - AND have little use as a reference for Your location !
Your Existing chimney should be inspected by a chimney sweep prior to anyone trying to use it, also remember that Some Day someone else may assume that
a wood stove is a wood stove, and if a RMH will work at that spot their old ''Blast of Heat 5000'' will look rely good right there !
Come Back here often, if there is a RMH in your future we ill help you find it ! I hope this was timely, and helps For the Good of the Crafts.
Think like fire! Flow like a Gas ! Don't Be the Marshmallow, as always,comments/questions are solicited and welcome PYRO - Logically Big AL !