Andrew Mateskon : Moldy hay is no great bargain but lets see what it might be useful for ! Kept dry it can serve as insulation in or around pump house to keep
the pump and water from freezing. Stacked on the windward side of a door it can be a wind break , or make a small inner room or divide a mudroom making
the entrance less drafty,
Dairy men often find that immediately after birth and the cleanup of afterbirth, young cloves can not yet sit up or get up on their legs
for a while with a little hay on the ground, propped up by hay bales on both sides the calf can be left in its mothers care while other chores get tended to !
Soon we will be digging cold frames and some of us will be able to pile rotting manure and hay into the bottom to make a hot box cold frame sided with hay
bales and covered with window frames !
While we
should be doing less tilling generally, bare patches of ground irregardless for their resin of unproductiveness can use buried chopped organic matter
to enrich and sweeten sick sour soil ! Thick bundles can be used in the spring just like chop and drop, Finally as regular bedding it will aid in breaking down and
re-cycling the animals manure and will enrich any compost it is added to, I guess moldy hay, that is free from pesticides is worth trucking home after-all ! A.L.