I think the idea is way cool, if you can get the metals cheap. But everything I have seen shows me that the amount of current is really weak. Somebody mentioned something called "Tulmeric Lines of the Earth" and tapping into those with this method. Don't know if that's just hippy speak or it is a real deal, but the idea of a passive battery that I can make from junk
yard materials is intriguing!!!
Please let us know what you have found, I am always interested.
Now a friend claims he gets mega power from some super high tension lines that cross his property by coiling up wire underneath them. He claims that he gets current from this by the AC switching back and forth. I have seen the trick with the fluorescent tubes lighting up under high tension lines, so maybe that's possible?
I really want to look into that, as there are LOTS of high tension lines marching across the AZ deserts.
Regardless, please link to anything you know about these earth batteries.