Richard Hauser : A prepared Sleeve or U-shaped trough made from a Sheet of Titanium, that starts with holding a flat shelf made of Perlite and Clay slip, onto
which you would slide a Castable core of dense, hard, refractory material that would then be surrounded with More (packed) Perlite Might be the right support
And combination of strength and refractivity (added by the Polished surface of the Titanium) to Not crumble during testing!
This configuration could be much lighter and need much less supporting
Cob Mass, thus streamlining and speeding assembly in one or two days, and could then
be more rapidly fired and tested!
It actually looks like multiple segments locked together to make up a core may produce our First Durable Core combination! A sketch of a possible prototype
made of standardized parts and locked together with gaskets or just Clay slip was proposed by Alistair Warburton June 29th last year in the Forum
started by him ''
New to this … New Heater? '' in
the rocket stoves forum ! My contribution at the time was that if the sections had enough strength as
single units, then when they were sealed with clay slip, one could hope that these joints would provide natural lines for the cracks that would serve to relieve
stresses And remain virtually gas tight !
However I do believe that the Sleeve or U-shaped trough could be made up of either Stainless Steel or Aluminized Steel, which has a much higher Refractivity
index than Stainless ! - Which I am saving up to buy ! For the Crafts Big AL !