...during a full moon, you have water that’s coming up in the soil, which gives the plants more oomph.
Moderator, Treatment Free Beekeepers group on Facebook.
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Moderator, Treatment Free Beekeepers group on Facebook.
Steve Hoskins wrote:
Just because it isn't the strongest force doesn't mean you can rule it out, in my opinion.
Moderator, Treatment Free Beekeepers group on Facebook.
Delving into the Scientific Literature
A good place to start turned out to be a brief review on the subject written in 1946 by Dr. C.F.C. Beeson (see ref. 1 below).
Dr. Beeson introduced the subject this way:
“The literature on the moon and plants can be assigned to two groups: one comprising reiterations of peasant beliefs, myths and rules, both ancient and modern, and similar unsubstantiated statements; the other comprising experiments supported by numerical data capable of statistical analysis. This second group consists of (a) experiments mainly of the anthroposophical school, which demonstrate the existence of lunar effects on the growth of plants; and (b) experiments of professional horticulturists and foresters, which prove that there are no such effects, or that, if they do exist, they have no value in agricultural practice.“
Moderator, Treatment Free Beekeepers group on Facebook.
Energy Curmudgeon
Green Fret Consulting
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Topher Belknap wrote:
Here how to know it is bunk. The tide comes in and out twice a day. If the moon had an impact on ground water it would be higher when the moon was overhead (or underfoot) and lower when rising or setting. Full moon would have nothing to do with it.
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Burra Maluca wrote:
Topher Belknap wrote:
Here how to know it is bunk. The tide comes in and out twice a day. If the moon had an impact on ground water it would be higher when the moon was overhead (or underfoot) and lower when rising or setting. Full moon would have nothing to do with it.
Except that tides are more extreme during full moon and new moon, when the gravitational effects of both the sun and the moon are in alignment. The only question is 'does this also affect ground water?'
Energy Curmudgeon
Green Fret Consulting
Adam Klaus wrote:Many things seem impossible, and are scoffed at by those needing more 'proof'. Then one day, more comes to light, and something previously the source of ridicule becomes 'common knowledge'. Consider the mechanics of the atom, for example.
There are more ways of knowing than just science. Consider the insights from science fiction, or shamanism. Again, frequently scoffed at and ridiculed, yet ultimately found to be 'true', many times decades later.
Science is but one way of knowing.
There is much more to this world than what science comprehends- that's all.
Energy Curmudgeon
Green Fret Consulting
Moderator, Treatment Free Beekeepers group on Facebook.
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For unlimited return on all your investments - Make your deposits at 'The Entangled Bank' !
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For unlimited return on all your investments - Make your deposits at 'The Entangled Bank' !
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What is a Mother Tree ?
How permies.com works
What is a Mother Tree ?
Moderator, Treatment Free Beekeepers group on Facebook.
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What is a Mother Tree ?
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Michael Cox wrote:
It would have been good to see the effect of the moon on the far side of the earth from the sun. The bulges line up again so we get a spring tide at full moon as well as new moon.
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wayne stephen wrote:If the moon has an effect on our horticultural plans should we not be more concerned with apogee and perigree than with full or new moon cycles?
Energy Curmudgeon
Green Fret Consulting
wayne stephen wrote:I have always been stumped by this topic . OK , the moon has an apogee [farthest from the earth] and perigree [closest] . It has full and new moon cycles both close and far away . How is it that a new moon at the perigree exerts less gravitational force than the full moon at the apogee ?
Energy Curmudgeon
Green Fret Consulting
Success has a Thousand Fathers , Failure is an Orphan
Moderator, Treatment Free Beekeepers group on Facebook.
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Success has a Thousand Fathers , Failure is an Orphan
allen lumley wrote:Michael Cox : perhaps you should re-read my post, I merely proposed a way of measuring local effect!
My Former Closing question remains, Can YOU think of a fairer test of whether there is an appreciable effect on local soil moisture than my proposed
as we have presently in L.ow E.arth O.rbit a N.A.S.A. satellite capable of measuring seasonal moisture content of the Earths surface
Energy Curmudgeon
Green Fret Consulting
Topher Belknap wrote:how do you propose to control for all the variables which also affect soil moisture?
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Adam Klaus wrote:
For me, this is the whole issue in a nutshell. Science works, when we contrive unnatural situations that are separated from the vast context of the living world. Science works when we can isolate variables.
The big question for me is- Do we lose something of the whole when we limit the number of component parts that we consider? I think we do. Just my 2cents.
Moderator, Treatment Free Beekeepers group on Facebook.
Michael Cox wrote:I don't get the reason why people are so anti "scientist" or "science"
All "science" is, is a systematic way of asking questions and looking for evidence to confirm answers. Further actions are then based on evidence rather than guesses/superstitions/something-the-chap-down-the-pub-said.
If an effect exists that we should be able to come up with some way of isolating it - that is comparing the circumstances with and without that effect present. A result that doesn't confirm a theory isn't a failure of science, a scientific method is showing you that the effect doesn't exist or is so insignificant as to be irrelevant.
In the context of this discussion (biodynamics/planting by phases of the moon) the only people who have published evidence supporting biodynamics are trying to "sell" the approach. Their results have not been able to be replicated elsewhere. At worst we have fraud in the original experimenters, at best we have selection bias and wishful thinking. Biodynamics is not a theory yet to be tested (hence still capable of being proven true) - the experiments have been done and came back a resounding negative from repeated testing. The reason it has such appeal has much more to do with people's psychology than any effect of the moon on plants themselves, so supporters of it deflect by trying to weaken the idea of science itself (which is basically ask a question, look for evidence) saying science cannot explain everything.
They instead claim that their evidence cannot be measured by science - that is simply the same as saying that their evidence cannot be measured, which is the same as saying the effect they claim is to small to be measurable.
I would argue that anyone with a bit of nouse could devise questions based on the claims of biodynamics, and then go on to design a trial to seek evidence based answers to those trails.
The devil haunts a hungry man - Waylon Jennings
Adam Klaus wrote:Maybe science is the *best* tool there is. Maybe.
Energy Curmudgeon
Green Fret Consulting
Yeah. What he said. Totally. Wait. What? Sorry, I was looking at this tiny ad:
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