Hi, Everyone!
Recently purchased Food Grade
Diatomaceous Earth from the recommended folks at
Earthworks Health that Paul has promoted in his article on DE. Wife and I intended to use it to start a detox regimen. When I first mixed up a teaspoon with a glass of
water, I found some blue crystals at the bottom and thought, "Great...I must have gotten a cup that had dishwasher
soap residue in it...."
All fine and dandy, except that the crystals appeared in every subsequent glass since (don't worry, there weren't many). I can watch the reaction occur when I stir it in, the crystals form instantly. They are definitely not present in the mix. I sent some pictures to the nice folks at Earthworks, and they feel confident there isn't any contamination in their product, though they are going to send me some more free of charge.
So I've begun the bureaucratic runaround with my extension agency (I live in Farmville, Virginia) to see about getting my water tested. It being Friday, it might as well be Sunday, or so it seems. They have referred me to the Health Department for a testing kit. So as usual, no one is really
listening to me. I'm making some other inquiries to some
local ranchers I know, but I doubt they use DE themselves.
The blue crystals are not in my water already. In other words, I don't think there is an issue with the anode in the
water heater, it's only a year old anyway. My concern is that it could be copper sulphate, a pesticide. We don't seem to have any apparent health issues, and have been living and drinking the water for well over a year. Yes, it's well water, and all we had it tested for was bacteria. We don't use any pesticides, and I don't think the previous owner did any
gardening or farming. Our neighbor does however, but I doubt its on a scale that could affect the water table.
What appears to be happening is an instant chemical reaction between the DE and my well water. What I want to find out as soon as possible is if it is a symptom of something potentially harmful in my water supply and what steps to pursue to find out.
Any help from the super-sleuths at Permies would be GREATLY appreciated.