So, I go out to put the
chicken on the
compost and I glance lovingly at my hugelbed, those marauding, evil racooons dug huge holes in it, right in the spot with the most lettuce sprouts coming up, right there in that cluster of lettuce. I am trying to calm down, I admit I nearly cried, but blind rage might be more accurate.
So, tell me what do you do to keep racoons off your gardens? You know what else they did? I left out some chocolate for them because they snoop around the
chicken coop and chocolate gives them diarrhea, then another time I had some left over egg salad so I loaded it with cayenne pepper (mammals don't like cayenne). Those little bastards ate the chocolate and the cayenne laced egg salad then went to the trouble of coming up onto the deck and crapping in the corner!!! Both times!!!
I loathe racoons.
How can I keep them out of my garden? I've covered the top of the bed with blackberry vines that I cut off from another section of the