been messing about with the bricks a bit and seem to have the dimensions about right now. so i want to move on to a cast core like matt walkers one. i am going to be using a 6 inch riser rather than 8 inch as the
rmh will be heating a 16foot yurt insulated with celotex. the sq footage is around 1200 so from what i have read 6 inch will be plenty.
video is for a 8 inch riser so i need to reduce everything by about 40% or so. trying to get an idea of how much fire clay to order. he recons around 92 pounds total weight so if i keep the insulation at 4 inches thick
should i assume around 60 pounds or one 25kg bag of fire clay. i have 100 litres of perlite but no fire cement as yet.
would rockwool mixed in with the mix work as well as fibreglass matting? i have both but a lot more rockwool. i know it isnt a precise
art but does that sound about right?
its either 25kgs or 50kgs of fire clay.
i got a sheet of aquaboard today similar to hadiebacker board. i am going to try and add a trip wire and the ski slope at the back if i can as well. plus the p channel just to keep right up date. i thought i may try to mould the tripwire into the aquaboard separately cook it in the
oven and then fit it on the top of the mould before i finish casting the rest of the mould. not sure if it will work or not.