It's time to start using numbers and stuff.
Some background:
In America Heating and cooling is measured in BTU. British Thermal Units. ( ) 1 BTU is the
energy required to raise a pound of liquid water 1 degree F in temperature.
A room sized wall mounted air conditioning system is can move about 12,000 btu of heat out of the space every hour. Sometimes AC units are labled in tons, a ton of AC is about 12,000 BTU/ hour ( ). A standard full home AC unit might be able to extract 50k BTU/hour out of the home.
Now for the fun parts.
The amount of cooling you can get out of the water is the difference in temperature between the thing being cooled and the initial water temperature. The amount of cooling you done is the differenece between water temperature before and after the heat exchangers ( it'll be less than 100% efficient ).
The amount of cooling you can get is also dependent on water flow rate. At 1 Gallon per minute (a rather sad little well), or 60 gallons / hour the mass flow rate would be 8.23 (lbs/gallon) * 60 ( gallons / hour) = ~ 500 lbs / hour. If the source water is at 60 degrees f, and the discharge water is at 70 degrees f the total heat gained by the water and lost by the space is 10 ( degree ) * 500 (lbs) * 1 ( degree * lbs ^-1)= 5000 btu per hour in cooling.
If there was 10 gpm rather than 1 gpm, you'd get a full house AC solution of 50,000 btu / hour (and 14,400 gallons pumped per day ) . The tricky part is getting the heat exchanger sized correctly. It could be as simple an old car radiator in a plenum or as complex as a custom built copper heat exchanger.
use this handy calculator to get a rough idea of the interplay between the amount of air run across the exchanger vs the water. ( these are not the exchangers I woudl recomend for this application, they seem costly )
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With a 01708-04 ( 17 series sanitary double tubesheet HX, 16 tube bundle)... ignore that for a while.
Tube side : air
flow Rate : 100 gal / sec ( not a small fan, but not too big )
inlet temperature : 80 degrees F
inlet pressure : 1 atm
Shell side : water
flow rate : 1 gal / min
inlet temperature : 60 F
inlet pressure : 1 atm
Results :
English Units
Heat Exchanger Model 01708-04
Tube Side Shell Side
Fluid Air Water
Temperature In 80 60
Temperature Out 74.14 69.77
Mass Flow 3484.05 499.45
Heat Transfer 4884 BTU/hr
Effectiveness 0.488
Almost 5000 BTU, awesome. It's about 1/2 efficient. For moderate cooling needs in a well insulated place this would be enough (assuming the water
Different exchangers will give different efficiencies. This is however a place to start getting a feel for the tradeoffs. I'd look for other exchanger calculators and cheaper solutions such as simply coiling some copper pipes in a plenum and testing out if there is enough flow for everything to be happy.
The solution gets better with colder source water and hotter air to cool. At 55 F inlett temp and 90 degree air temp, 8400 btu are removed and the outlet air temp is ~ 72 degrees.
Good luck!