Thanks for your replies
I know about (and am very fond of) the new cottage food act. I actually just started my own business using a rentable
grange kitchen, however, and it's working out great! As I understand the cottage food law it more applies to things like baked bread or cookies, less 'high risk' (if you will...) foods.
My (soon to be) farm stand will be on a private road and I'm a state certified producer so I'm less worried about the regulations and more concerned about building a structure that will be covering all my bases and also interested in knowing whether others have had success with an idea like this or have any comments on selling in this way.
I decided to try this for two main reasons. The first is that I want to help bring our small community in even closer, to make us all more locally oriented and
sustainable. Why make all of my neighbors drive in to get their produce in town when I have everything we need and more right here? The second was as I was thinking about where I want to put my time and
energy. I could drive in to market, sell for a couple of hours and come home... Or I could harvest every morning, sell all day at an unattended stand, and have my days free to keep myself busy in the garden and on my other business. I'd much rather put my time and energy back into the land than in sitting at a market (although I have sold at markets in the past and had a blast doing it!)
I'm not sure how much to expect to sell. I'm going to start harvesting small and work my way up as I know there is a demand. To give you an idea I think that I may be serving anywhere from 5- 50 people... who knows.
I think the stand, just based on the materials I have around, will probably be about 2 feet deep and 4 feet wide, possibly with a swing down shelf which could be pulled up at night when we're closed. It would
be nice to expand later if it goes well...
Don't think we'll make it portable... Just gonna close her up at night.
It would be really awesome to build in a nook for a fridge... although that may be down the road. For now I think I may just use a good ol' cooler in the shade with some ice packs in it to keep certain things fresh. As (if) it works I'm hoping to reinvest the money I make to improve the stand.
There is some sun so I'll definitely need a roof or something to keep it shady. The other sticky part is that I live on a dirt road and and I'm planning on putting the stand near the road to make it accessible. I'm a bit worried about dust.
I'm going leave it to the honor system and good faith in my neighbors. However, having a hidden box for the money, maybe even that's connected to the stand so it can't just be taken, would be a good idea.
I was also thinking, if anyone has pictures of their farm stand, oh boy I'd love to see it!
Thanks again!