More than 1 acre burned last thursday here.
Actually my zone 5. I had planned to "clean" it, but in a way that would keep
carbon for the soil, not for the air!
So now I have to deal with the situation, and try to see the good aspects, first, less job and I have finally found the boundaries.
I tell you the element to help me chose the best tactic:
- It is slopy.
1 part just a little, near the road.
1 part that burned less but I do not think about doing anything because it is very steep.
Then there is the bottom with the almond
trees that did not burn.
(I have a also put a pic, much more rejoincing!)
- It will not rain for the next 3 months.
- It might start to rain a little at first, but it might also start with a big big rain.
- Little soil and rock.
- I was bush and pines. I intended to remove the bush (cistus monspeliensis) so that
local wild grains and legumes can grow for goats.
I have no idea of what are the main problems for the soil after such fire.
I do not either know what are the advantages.... Hope there are!
Here is what I think about for the less steep part near the road:
(the blackest pic!)
There is a little cover of ashes and char, but thin. Will it go with the wind?
I was thinking of bringing some soil from outside, just to cover the ashes.
But if I do this now, then it will stay bare until the next autumn / rain.
If I don't, is the burned crust of better protection?
I also think I would gather the stones at the lowest part, so that I can keep more soil up there.
This place is very near the place where I build sunken bed, and I have some spare stones I can add.
My goal would be to create a little pasture for goats.
Thanks for comments.