Well Matt: About the games in permaculture, I find if they are carefully selected for learning they are brilliant however with the adults I work with, they are a bit different. When students feel very safe in a
class they like to be challenged with deeper questions such as "What would be the consequences of that"?", and "how would that work in another culture?" Some don't want to play games...there are always a few who from time to time want a clear lecture which moves their knowledge forward. Adult learners will accept these challenges when they can see the relevance - and relevance is critical. Simple statements, which I guess you use are" This is important to you understanding and work because....
You can structure these responses through games. And I need to plan them carefully.
Mostly I use a variety of methods of cater for all types of learners and change these, I hope seamlessly, through a lesson and a day.
experience is very valuable Matt. Thanks for sharing