I have a large, jelly-bean shaped
pond I am JUST now finishing filling up with
water. A 15,000-20,000 gallon pool I am converting into a
pond, rather. Deepest end is 8 feet, 7 1/2 feet of water, 1/2 feet dirt/clay. Shallow end (not including steps which are now planters) is 4 1/2 feet, with sand, and a little dirt/gravel.
I have some
concrete blocks making planters in the shallow end, which may leach but I'm hoping will simply help prevent ph crashes. A little worried about the chemicals involved in making them, but it was the best I could come up with, at this point.
I have dirt, gravel, and sand along the bottom in various places.
I will be putting in a few rafts with plants growing on them, growing plants in the planting beds, growing plants along the bottom, shallow and deep end both, which I hope will help keep things oxygenated. I may even half-sink some growing beds in the deep end, with submerged plants, too.
I will be adding just some super cheap goldfish along with some white cloud mountain minnows.
Here's the challenge: I am trying to do this without a pump.
Does anyone have any
experience with a pond with no pump? Older traditional methods for trying to keep everything oxygenated and clean which involved old fashioned practices, or plants, or natural materials like rocks/wood/food items? I could use whatever information you have!
For any who would automatically say that it's not possible without a pump (and I know that it may not be), I'm still going to make an attempt. Because while I'd find this an interesting experiment in any case, it's actually a lot more than a whim. I am going to use this pond to grow food. The reason I am using it to grow food is that I have a rare disorder in which I react to a lot of man-made substances, especially if they are absorbed by my food. This includes many chemicals, pesticides, many fertilizing solutions, all sorts of things. I get all my produce currently from a couple farmers who, as one put it, use '
chickens and hope' to keep their food insect free.
But these guys are getting on in years and I can't say that their children are going to keep up the same farming practices. So I NEED to get a set up where I can grow most of my own food within the next 5-10 years. And right now, it's not entirely certain whether I'm reacting to things like pvc and other materials that would be present in the water with a pump and piping system, although it's looking like
the answer is a tentative yes. So I'd like to see if I can make this pond work without a pump, for right now, because it offers the most certain level of safety for me, if that makes sense?
So truly, ANYTHING you've got would be really, really appreciated. I still feel like I'm scrambling a bit, trying to keep up with the knowledge. :-/