Zachary Bauer : At the top of the page, under the Permies Banner is the permits ToolBox, if you click on the Search option it will take you
to another page where you can search 'All Forums' (within Permies) for 'RMHs in Greenhouses' It is even a Stand alone long running Forum
Thread !
You did not mention your Location, you can add that information with a 'click-on' in the 'my profile' option in the Permies Tool Box !
depending of course on how early you want to start seedlings in your green house, most G'house users use the Thermal mass as raised beds
with special use of the gentle heat possible by dedicating that feature to create a seedling bed. Then because you are well above the coldest
part of the greenhouse, A simple row cover will provide additional protection when you get a cold snap ! Also plan on giving it a good central
location, it can radiate out its heat best that way and your seed beds are your most important part of the G'house early in the year !
Also be very generous with the height of your Thermal Mass /
raised bed, your back will thank you a thousand times a day !
I do not need to tell you how much a problem over watering and high humidity in greenhouses can be, Plan on having a pass-thru wood box
filled from outdoors and well sealed on the inside, this will help you retain Your Dry Wood Dry ! Not a small matter, with any
Wood Stove,
even more so with an
RMH, but especially when you go to start your 1st fire of the day !
This is where I recommend going to to download your PDF Copy of the brand new 3rd Ed. of
''Rocket Mass Heaters ''
This is 'The Book', and will save you Time Money and Frustration.
Then when you come back here you will be confident that you will be using the same terms and 'Part Names' to describe Size, Shape, Layout,
and Orientation of the individual parts -both to themselves and each other ! For the Good of the Craft !
Think like fire, flow like a Gas, and don't be the Marshmallow ! As always, your comments and questions are Solicited and welcome ! Big AL !