Maybe we need to filter our rain water, I've been lurking around for quite awhile. Thought I'd post,
since this is becoming my largest concern.
What few plants I planted outside this year are dead from something.
A lot of other plants around here are also suffering from about the same symptoms.
I've been searching like crazy since July 12th to find out what this was.
I'm not liking what I'm finding.
Rainwater can be very polluted.
I was going to plant raised beds outside - I've given up.
Now I want to move and put every thing into greenhouses.
I'm in E. Tx. the "sweet" spot for the gulf rains to hang out before they turn and go North East.
I know the ozone is also really bad this year, but I think something is in the rain.
I've got sample cups coming to test my rainwater.
Reports are staring to come in at the site I listed above.
I was hoping for good reports but I know something is wrong.
This rain falls in patches so it doesn't hit everywhere all the time.
I'm afraid that the powers that be will try to hide this for as long as possible , so they can't be blamed.
I've done tons of research on this, I'll try and post more when I'm not so tired.