We advanced on the floor board setting today and also did some side jobs like digging snow to look for frozen sawdust underneath and also the very rare chance to swap out the bins in the willow feeder.
The mezzanine project continues. But I was mostly cutting the boards to size today,while cleaning out staples and nails out of the lumber that used to be the mezzanine, for future use. Then we prepared the berm shed a bit to house the old lumber.
In the morning we added a new row of condiment shelves to the kitchen. Then later in the afternoon, we repositioned the electric wires that were running unorganized along the mezzanine. And I am thankful that Jocelyn cooked us a very delicious dinner tonight.
I had a good day of rest today. Took a nature walk down the road and enjoyed the cool climate, had some good conversations on the phone, studied and even looked through some of the many available permaculture and miscellaneous magazines available at “the library”.
Today I decided to knock out another bb so I scouted for some green wood and got started on my compound mallet. I was able to finish it fairly quickly. I hope it passes.
We finished up organizing the wiring and putting things back on the new mezzanine. Then we started planning and cutting for our next project, a series of shelves for the library.
After some technical difficulties in the morning, we got our first two shelves up today. We got more practice with the jigsaw,circular saw, and overall more carpenter skills. Always good to have.