Wombat, It is hard to start this conversation as we don't all know each other and so it is easy to have misunderstandings, i used to bend over backwards to understand and appreciate others to an extent that meant that i was as permissive as all hell and it is not easy for a careful person to know when is the right time to put their foot down, i did not used to eat up any tyrants, though tyrants are so tyrannical that if you say boo to them it offends them so if you know them you get accused of tyrannizing them for the least little thing. The thing they are best at is making others look mean they have to have an excuse for being beastly so they are always looking for way sto turn anything you say or do to good account good account beign to make you look mean. Know them and they will not only use you they will also make it look as if you are the bad one. Tyrant don’t pay you back they think it is very nice of them to let you tie their shoe laces for them so that the only pay back you have is the luck to spend some time in their presence a favor you would rather do without.
It was not only because i was so cautious about ruining other peoples cultures that I did not knock them into order, it was also because i had no practice and could not have managed such a feat and am still not sure of my tyrant eating abilities, in any country, rich or poor, though i know they are enormously improved.
Another thing that makes me more likely to eat tyrants now is that i think it is possible to respect the culture of others and try to give a good whacking to tyrants. I am more worldly wise now and expect just as much double dealing among the poor as in Wall street, and I know that that you are often a more useful person if you can mash the strong and help the weak.
I am inclined to spend a long time deciding if a tyrant is such or not.
I am the sort of person who finds it hard to believe i could be good at implementing a program among any group of people so to wonder if i would lack respect for their culture is to take things a long way. On the other hand i know the difficulties of being a foreigner and i am not respectful of the tyrants here but i have not tried to make them implement a plan of mine only mouthed off at them and denounced them when their tyrannies got even more crippling.
I have a Spanish “part” friend in Germany and he thinks he should be allowed a critical voice in Germany though he has only been their twenty two years and when he expressed this opinion had only been their eight. He would have called the Germans racist if they had not agreed. He is a sort of person who always has it clear that he has rights, so i should be allowed a opinion here or the Spaniards are racists. It is the place you live in that is going to change your life and your children’s if things get bad in the country and it is annihilation of character if you can’t talk of
local things. Had i been a man i would have demanded that my husband go to live in England with me where my chances of getting a good job would have been greater than his and where it was easier for me to find friends.
The political right here think they are Spain but there are parts of the Spanish culture were people think more like me so my criticisms can be knocked because i am foreign by those who want to, but other Spaniards would find me to have the same feelings they did so those in a country who pretend a foreigner is not respecting their culture are usually forgetting that there is a part of their culture that thinks like the foreigner .
My sisters mouth was shut by her husband’s family with the argument that this was not her country so she did not understand things and had better keep her mouth shut that is the place she moved to because her husband said he could not live without his family , Belfast, and the family told her what she could and could not say because they said she could not understand Belfast, it is as I said a good excuse for annihilating a person, they were very cautious people, maybe she would have liked to be a les cowardly member of Belfast life and spoken openly of her veiws though they weren't all liked at one moment, one pleases one groupn at one moment and another at another. Sure the Haitians must know what it is like to be told they have little right to open their mouth. Women and Haitians.
I know that corruption destroys countries; It makes it too hard to get small businesses off the ground and I have seen bullies squashing first one person and then another, if you don’t deal them you have to watch how others get destroyed so i know that a right thinking person would try to stomp out corruption while holding onto the valuable parts of other cultures. I know what marvelous hospitable people there are in other cultures, hospitable, amusing, intelligent and good, in parts of the world that aren’t the west as its called and i love these cultures and I don’t want to have everyone like me but i don’t think corruption is a good idea.
Apparently they have suffered from a lot of religious persecution in Haiti. All the religions i know demonize other religions or so tiu seems to me. I find the catholic church as wicked as anything so I don’t approve or disapprove of any religion, only of some parts of them.
What I said before is that we dont' damage people by influencing them too much, we damage them by giving them too little information to deal with, this invalidates them in the world that we have put the poorer countries, we put poor countries in the world financially. We have persuaded people in many parts of the world to grow things and make things for the world market rather than for themselves but we don't give them enough information to stop them being duped by the tigers of the world market or for the adaptability that is necessary in this market.
Information is power, the rich spend years at school before getting independent, information first, money later. To pretend it is money we don't share is to pull the wool over everyone’s eyes, it is information that is really valuable and which we have managed to hide. Our real meanness is knowing more than others and not sharing the knowledge and pretending that it is the distribution of money that matters.
What was that enormous port in Haiti for, Port o Prince looked big, what are we getting off Haiti?
I have heard the excuse that ti is traditional so you must do it to as a reason for mollycoddling the powerful before, I am sick of it. Agri rose macaskie.