charles johnson "carbonout" wrote:
2 drops cheap Hand Sanitizer
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paul wheaton wrote:
Saywhat? [Hand sanitizer] is flammable?
"the qualities of these bacteria, like the heat of the sun, electricity, or the qualities of metals, are part of the storehouse of knowledge of all men. They are manifestations of the laws of nature, free to all men and reserved exclusively to none." SCOTUS, Funk Bros. Seed Co. v. Kale Inoculant Co.
I heard about a lawsuit: after using the stuff, a guy set his hands on fire lighting a cig.paul wheaton wrote:
That stuff is flammable?
JohnF wrote:BTW, burning junk mail is actually discouraged by some stove/fireplace makers, because the weird colored papers throw off some nasty products, and can build up strange creosote deposits.
Don't know if that still goes for re-burner (secondary combustion) stoves.
"the qualities of these bacteria, like the heat of the sun, electricity, or the qualities of metals, are part of the storehouse of knowledge of all men. They are manifestations of the laws of nature, free to all men and reserved exclusively to none." SCOTUS, Funk Bros. Seed Co. v. Kale Inoculant Co.
Bloom where you are planted.
"Do not mess with the forces of Nature, for thou art small and biodegradable!"
paul wheaton wrote:
Dryer lint? I would need a dryer for that. I dry all my clothes by hanging them up near the fire I started with the paper towel!
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