Remy O. : Please believe me, inspire of your high opinion of us no one here Knows what you mean when you say you have a bucket of Potters Clay!
It is probably the close equivalent of saying you have a Car Automobile. It will have zero silt in it so it is better than most of what you can get out of
the ground ! It may or may not have Grog or sand in it, if it did it probably would have been called stoneware ! Does the bucket say anything, as you
say it is light grey is it at least a dry powder?
What fire clay is: Fireclay gets its name not from any magical special ability to take high heats, rather this clay does not swell much when formed wet
or shrink much when it dries, also when 'fired' it does not expand much or shrink much when it cools !Therefore it has little tendency to crack. This is
what makes fire clay fire clay ! Lincohn 60 is 'good' fire clay ! It is sold under other names ! here is a good site to check out ! hint Highlight the
BOLD part and Right Click
should open in the address window, or as a Google Search. While there read the articles on fire brick and 100 yr old dead soft house brick!
Speaking of searching, at the right top of the page below the Permies banner and above the Permies
Video is the Permies Toolbox. Locate the
[Search} tab and click on it. at the new page you can enter a term like
making test bricks with cob, do a search within Rocket Stoves, and set
your search for within Permies, once you have tested Cob that you have made yourself, you are well on your way to figuring what makes good Cob
with every batch of Clay you find !
mortar, good mortar for brick laying is a combination of Clay and Builders sand, damn the man who uses a cement mortar to lay bricks, and you
cant use a Cement based mortar on Your Firebricks any way ! Big AL!
late note : sorry, in order for me to make sure that I am giving out a good address i must use the http to test it, it is corrected now