While I'm certainly not an advocate for the flippant use of antibiotics I can see the need for them in the modern era. One might argue that the modern era is in some part reliant on this type of medical technology/biology. I can say from personal
experience that I wouldn't be alive today if it weren't for these technologies. At the very least I would be missing some portions of one of my arms and would likely be deaf and mute. I am also aware that the over use of these types of medications have
led to some of the super bugs that patients are dealing with now. Nobody wants anybody to suffer but it seems that there is a balance between use and overuse that we've gotten serious;y out of whack. My hope is that a new
class of naturally derived antibiotics used in conjunction with more reasonable ways of living, will eventually lead to an overall drop in the need for these medications and the suffering of those that must currently deal with our past mistakes.
One thing I'll bet now is that when it hits the market it'll be expensive as hell.
One last thing... I think that if people weren't eating such sterilized diets of non-food, the need for such biological therapy would be seriously lowered. In other words - "Eat More Dirt"