Day 178
Started burying the duck hollow. I probably
should have built the retaining walls or wing walls or whatever you call them first, but they're coming along now too. I have some ideas for how to hide the plastic without puncturing it, and when it's all done it'll be the nicest-looking duck
shelter around.
Paul rented a little 6-ton excavator down at basecamp for finishing the
berm shed. And I started operating it, piling dirt up on the roof and helping to lift the last couple beams into place. Everything was going great and so smoothly and quickly, until I totally screwed up and backed into an overhanging log, breaking the window on the door. Ughh... there goes half my pay. No one was hurt, and we got the glass cleaned up, but I feel terrible about being such a careless screw-up.
Today's duck is Elrohir. He's the son of Elrond, and the twin brother of Eladan, valiant Elven warriors. Also he looks delicious.