Day 167
That batch of cob was dried out just
enough to apply by the morning. And Josh helped me again by being a bio-lathe of sorts. Basically I was smooshing the cob through the gaps and Josh was stopping it from falling out the other side. Thanks Josh! He brought over a tool-battery radio thingy and we listened to
Bill Mollison while we worked. Thanks whoever sent the sweet boombox!
Jocelyn and Paul had us all over for dinner again! Stuffed squash and salad and soup, and horchata! Oh, and also an
apple crisp for dessert! Oh my goodness, I'm so stuffed! Thanks Jocelyn and Paul!
Jocelyn had arranged a really nice bouquet, with hollyhock, and snowberry, and little sunflowers, and knapweed, and sedum, and sweet clover, and shrub
rose! What a gorgeous centerpiece for a lovely gathering! Jocelyn is simply the bestest hostess!