Glenn Herbert wrote:I'm not sure this would work well with cob. The method seems to require fluid material, and if cob is fluid enough to use I see it sagging significantly before it dries (unless laid down painfully slowly for this technology). Also, much of the strength comes from interlocking straw, which would not be possible with extrusions as the video shows.
It is hard to say what the tech. will be like in the end. However, I do know that they are talking about being able to print a new arm onto ppl some day. That would freak me out a little. Even if they didn't take it that far... mixing in some straw with mud should be doable.
Even if the maching went slow( I assume it would too... like you) then the labor costs would still be wiped. Which, is what makes cob out of reach. There is the overhead costs of the machine though. So all of that would have to be worked out and refined over time. Just like the clalculator.