I think I'm going to propose a couple different methods. Along the swales, where we have a line of trees it makes sense to
fence these areas off for a few years to let the trees get established. But we are also trying to establish an Oak Savanna with broad spacing over large areas. Individual trees will need to be caged. By my numbers it's almost $20 a cage for the materials, but if we spread the planting out over a decade, some of those cages can be reused.
I like the idea of using bone sauce or eggs or any of the follky methods for preventing browsing, but I wonder if the repeated applications make this less economic in the long term? I also question how effective they will be if 30 sheep are penned in with the young trees for 24-48 hours. It's not just the browsing, rubbing is a major concern as well.
Thanks for the input my
permie people...