What kind of batteries are used in those electric mowers? What kind of toxic waste program is necessary to properly dispose of them? Were you just planning on throwing it in the landfill when it stopped working and couldn't be repaired or needed a new battery? Shame on you! For both plug-in and battery mowers, how much electricity does it take to power/recharge it? How much extra electricity is actually produced at the plant to make up for the losses due to line resistance between you and the plant? Even hooked up to solar/wind, you'd need a fairly hefty battery system to properly power a mower. A battery system that will eventually need to be disposed of as toxic waste. I'll keep my dino burner. Its side effects are about the same level as electric, imo. Cheaper TCO for gas as well, considering the initial cost of equivalent electric or gas mowers. On the plus side, it doesn't add strain to an already overburdened electric grid. A grid which is mostly powered by coal, nuclear, and man made dams. What I'd like to see is small diesels become ubiquitous
enough to become viable/cheap for mower use and run them on biodiesel. I am considering purchasing a push reel, but that is an expense that will have to wait, as I have a perfectly good and paid for gas burner. Btw... my current mower is a 4hp high wheel, 3-in-1 mulch, rear bag, side discharge. As I'm currently dealing with
dandelions, the bagger is great for containing the seed heads, which I'm feeding to the
compost pile. I use the mulch setting to keep clippings from spraying everywhere, like the garden and shrub beds. I know they don't really hurt too much, but I like it that way.