paul wheaton wrote:
Just read this somewhere: bubbles in your bath help to insulate the water and keep it hot.
I think bubbles
on top of your bath would do this, but bubbles
in the bath (like a hot tub) would cool it faster.
As far as foam in a shower - it is not the water that needs to be kept warm, it is you. Take a shower inside a foam wetsuit or bathrobe perhaps? Shower gels and oils can help retain some heat on the body.
I never seem to get warm from a shower even with the water very hot, unless the room itself is heated to steamy saturation. I stay warmer with a clothed, almost-dry sponge bath or spot-clean, and heat up chilled extremities by soaking my hands (or feet) in warm water. I use a hot bath occasionally when I am too chilled to fall asleep. A shower just doesn't deliver
enough heat to offset the chill from drying off again.