Tim Southwell wrote:
Are you simply using the acreage as a feeding ground for the pigs, or do you have some design intent on this particular ground after the pigs have worked it over? What is the paddock size the pigs are on? What feed, if any, are you supplementing for their diet? Is the electric fence direct grid tie in, or are you using a remote solar panel to charge your controller? What variety of pigs do you have? how many? where did you buy them and how much?
design: there is a buffet of desires that all fit in between short term and long term. At this moment, I am glad that pigs are here. In time, I hope that the systems with the pigs are optimized more than they are now.
paddock size: I know that one of the earliest paddocks was about an acre. For seven pigs, I like the idea of paddocks that are about two acres.
feed: I saw kristie give them some goats
fence: battery powered. The hottest battery zapper premier sells.
variety: no clue - maybe tim or kristie will chime in because these are their pigs.