Hi there! Love this post, I’ve been experimenting with sprouted and especially high protein ferments for a mostly plant based diet.
I found this recipe
online (link below) that encouraged me to give sprouted lentils a go, I’m trying fermenting some now. Only using salt
water this round so I can see what kind of flavor profile they end up with. I’ll try to let you know how they do!
I have fermented a few other legumes with varying results, listed below.
My basic method is very simple with only what I have in my kitchen. I soak overnight in a large bowl with plenty of water, then drain in a colander, then leave them in the colander over a bowl to sprout. To ferment, I pack them into a mason jar , cover with brine (usually only salt and water, no starter) and use a cut piece of plastic yogurt lid shaped to my jar, with a slit in it so it can cone into the veg and keep everything down. I put them in a dark drawer and burp my lids daily. I get mold occasionally and just skim it. If I bought special lots it would prob reduce the mold bit I just haven’t yet
On to the results-
Sprouted mung beans- awesome! I love them, they are a bit like capers, delicious on my salads.I do notice that beans tend to mold more often than most of my other ferments. I lost a couple of jars to a black powdery mold that I could not skim off the top- it just mixed in when I tried
but most of them were very successful. I like adding a little garlic to the brine and
sprouted garbanzos- I soaked overnight and then only let them sprout for 24 hours. They tasted ok, still had that sort of raw/creamy taste they have when sprouted. They didn’t seem to get fully ‘pickled’ on the inside after 7 days ferment time (estimate, I did several jars, some may have gone for 2 weeks), and didn’t last nearly as long as other ferments, they were good for a couple of weeks and then my jars either got overtaken with mold or developed a strange smell, so they got tossed. I’m realizing as I type this that they went bad because they didn’t ferment long enough to penetrate and fully pickle the inside. I think they would need a very long time.
Black beans- these were successful but I found the flavor of black beans plus vinegar odd, so haven’t done them again.
Adzuki beans- the ferment was successful but they tasted very bitter, haven’t tried again. I did put some turmeric in the brine, but I don’t know if that’s what made them bitter.
Red kidney beans- definitely worth trying! my beans were old and didn’t sprout, so I just soaked and tried fermenting. The skin was too tough and fermenting did not soften it, but the flavor was great, so I tried again with soaked and cooked beans, and they are really delicious. Great on salads! I think cooking first is really the way to go with a larger bean. I think I’ll try cooking first next time with garbanzos.
Happy fermenting