Lesley Verbrugge : O.K., No-one here is surprised with the amount of water that you have in your pipes ! Several of your fellow members have adopted the
Lasagna method
of making-up the Thermal Mass, layer by layer . With lots layers of of dense/heavy rock used as fill You end up needing Much less Cob, the smallest amount of cob equals the
smallest amount of Water that must be expelled before your system is dry and working at its best !
Besides the water
in the cob we must allow for the water trapped in the wood and The H2O created during the burning of the Wood gases and charcoal ! So you are adding more
water as you try to drive off the initial water used in making your cob - Thus the Lasagna method pays major benefits - but no need to change now !
Also while you are drying things out you may be surprised at the initial amount of wood you are burning ! As your system dries out it will perform better, be easier to light, and
use a lot less Wood ! Any water you can remove from your horizontal piping will also reduce fuel usage ! ** Always be sure to check that your Clean-out covers are re-installed
If Necessary you can use a fan or hair drier to help
boost the air flow through your system, While you must give your
RMH lots of attention during its initial startup the feeding
of your RMH is done almost completely by ear. The initial goal is to have the combustion chamber walls glowing
Bright Red within 15 minutes, This is not
happening now -but will eventually!
It is also important that you use small, very dry, fine split wood at the start. Also with Your Rocket pulling in its own air -it is warmed by the fire below and actually cools the
upper part of the sticks. This ensures that only the very bottom of the sticks are actively burning. Just as important is to make sure that when you are loading sticks into your
Feed Tube you are not accidentally pushing large chunks of Charcoal into the Burn Tunnel as this will constipate the system and cause smoke back !
I understand and totally support your goal of using your inside Vertical Chimney but would like to see more height on the chimney you are using now! While on paper I can
prove that a chimney on the windward side of the house with its opening just below the houses peak SHOULD benefit from the same lifting effect as happens with airplane
wings, this is never consistent. Conventional wisdom says your chimney must exit on the Lee or Downwind side of your house and be above the peak of the roof !
In Very rare circumstances it can be very hard to light
Any Wood Stove when the wind is blowing from a contrary direction - Even if this was your problem, the fact
that your RMH will be already warm ( all that stored heat in your Thermal mass ) makes this a rarely occurring problem !
Keep you RMH as dry as possible, use very dry Fine split wood, keep the Burn Tunnel clear, look for Your fire bricks to glow red ( in a dark room), eventually you will notice
that You are using less wood and then you can play with larger chunks of wood and fewer pieces! -It may take weeks to dry your cob, depending on the amount of wet cob
you used. Vive Lasagna !
For the good of the Craft ! Big AL !