Intro and Problem: Living where the
water smells and feels like pool water, I have been contemplating how to get clean, healthy water on-site. Rainwater droplets form around what ever is in the air. We are miles from, yet still down-wind from manufacturing. In summer the humidity is good
enough for our dehumidifier in the basement to pull a gallon per day. Not enough for a family. Our
yard, however, at 2-3 ft down, especially near the house, is puddled water even in the dry time of summer, it's still there, even though supposedly none of our roof run-off goes to it. In fact, right now the yard is pooled up above the soil surface. My thoughts are either a spring, an artificial spring, our roof runoff, we are the low spot for the street, or all of the above. Luckily- no house flooding has resulted from this! It slowly leaks to a drain in the driveway and off to join the rest of the droplets in the great poisoned lakes.
Potential Solution: I am thinking of digging a test hole, making sure the water is clean. If it is, I am thinking of digging a 5-6 ft deep hole, and setting it up as a spring. I then want to direct 1/2 the downspout water from my roofs to raised beds that do dry out, and that will then also filter to the "spring". The location of the spring is in the middle of lawn that will remain tall-ish lawn to filter the rain water. I do not use pesticides, only fertilizers, as necessary, and 90% organic or "naturally derived". The dog does do her business in the grass, but I don't think that will be too big of a deal. I plan on sealing the top of the spring with clay and having the pipe protruding at an angle, to avoid direct contamination. By siphon the water
should be able to be piped to our basement, and there can be filtered, if necessary, and used as drinking water. I'm not sure there would be enough for bathing too, but if there is, that would be a nice treat. For winter, to avoid pipe freezes, I'm thinking of making a valve that can remove the siphon. I will have to then just live off of what I collected from the summer during the winter and re-create the siphon in spring.
project was one of the last on my huge list, but with the water in the yard over-flowing and the water in the
city being disappointing, I'm thinking it should be moved up the list.
Has anyone done this sort of thing before? Any advice on this project?