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Doing research about forest & sasquatch encounters

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Hi, anyone have an encounter or know someone who has? Most encounters have been in North American forests and there has been much documented. Please give the city/town you live in and how far from your home was the encounter. Thanks!
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Location: Saskatchewan
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I had an interesting encounter last summer (2015). It was not a Sasquatch, but it was something large that I have not been able to identify. The encounter took place in the Narrow Hills provincial park in Saskatchewan, Canada. I was leading a group of teens on a hike when we saw this creature.

One of my campers did this drawing the day after the encounter. We estimated it's height at about 5 feet tall, and it was a rusty orange colour.

Before this encounter I thought I could identify all the larger animals in this forest as I had spent a lot of time there, but this one really confused me, I have never seen anything else like it.

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That's really interesting! I am personally a believer in cryptozoology, though I personally think most Sasquatch sightings are actually sightings of bears. That bird thing is clearly not a bear!

Maria Tan
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Leora, thank you for responding. It's interesting to me that like you, I just thought I knew a great deal about our forests...until I started researching and reading and watching the many videos on youtube. I have listened to talks by scholars on related subjects that all point to the fact that many people have actually seen creatures that cannot be identified. They go by various names because we really dont know the species! The drawing you posted is very interesting! The color orange, the feathers..,strange. The good thing is that everyone saw it! The creatures people encounter are often tot photographed and so others tend to dismiss it as a hoax or whatever. But I'm finding out that these encounters are real. There is much research going on but the public isnt ready to accept that we humans dont know everything.

Through my research I found that in Russia in 1820 there was a "Big foot-like" woman that was caught & used as a slave. They called her Zana. If you check google it will surprise you to read about this. And yet, I had never heard os such a thing. Why? Why is this stuff so taboo?

I didnt think Sasquatches, Big foot or Chupacabras were real. I had never seen any myself so i figured they didnt exist. Simple as that! But as I research more and more, I find that real people have encountered strange creatures and, although a small percentage may be hoaxes, a large percentage are not! Thanks for sharing your experience. It's a strange creature alright!!
Maria Tan
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Tyler, youre right, that is NOT. A bear!!
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I grew up in grizzly bear country and my family always assumed that any local Sasquatch sightings were mis-identified bears. And I never had reason to modify that opinion.

That said, the family pickup truck for several years had a bullet hole in the windshield. The story that came with that bullet hole (and with the truck) was that two local gentlemen were driving home from an extremely rural roadside bar in 1969 or so. Alcohol had indeed been consumed. They came around a sharp corner and found a Sasquatch standing in the road blocking their forward progress. Emphatically it was said NOT to be a bear, being taller and more humanoid. A hasty drunken attempt was made to extricate two large men and two hunting rifles from a small Studebaker pickup cab, during the course of which attempt there was an accidental discharge of one of the rifles. Nobody was hurt, and the Sasquatch vanished into the woods. This would have been on the dirt road from Tok to Eagle in the eastern interior of Alaska, approximately twenty miles from Eagle.

I do not tell this story because I believe it; I don't. Or rather, I don't believe that the men in question were sober enough to practice responsible zoology, crypto or otherwise. But I wasn't there.

Maria Tan
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Interesting story, Dan. Something I realized when I first started researching the subject of Sasquatch/Bigfoot is that the reason that people have a hard time believing is because there is nothing tangible such as a photo. The fact is that when a traumatic event happens such as an encounter with Bigfoot, the last thing that one thinks about is taking a photo. Very few have been able to gather composure enough to get a photo. Some have taken a photo or video that is blurred or shakey so then it is classified as a hoax.

Below is a 911 call that i found interesting. I don't know the result of the call but this caller is clearly shaken. Take a listen.

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A friend relayed that as a kid (1980's) his family lived near Pocatello Idaho. One day they were out with their father (the two boys aged about ten and eight) and had permit for firewood and felled a tree in the woods. His father had mostly finished sectioning and splitting the wood from about an 18" diameter tree and just started loading. He said something started screech-screaming nearby, rather high pitched. Their dad dropped the wood he had in arms, slammed the back of the vehicle shut and was ordering the kids to get in the car NOW. But the wood? He tore out of there and left the wood behind. The friend says he's never heard anything like it before or since. His father never went back for the wood and never spoke about it again.
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Personally, I find it extremely hard to believe that no one has ever gotten a clear picture of one, never found a corpse, never shot one, never captured one, never found a skeleton of one, never stumbled across a baby one abandoned,...
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There are actually several "clear" pictures of sighted forest people.
My people have stories of them that go back over two thousand years.
We are taught that if you see one, do not move, they prefer to be left alone and might attack you if you happen upon them.
I seriously doubt that these would have persisted as they do if there wasn't something to the stories.

There are several places in the high mountains (Rockies) where there are upside down trees, buried so the roots are high in the air.
So far there is no natural explanation of how this could occur without someone(thing) putting them there. These have been in place for a very long time.

I think the main reason there are no bodies is for the same reason we find graves that were hidden for centuries and call it archeology, many peoples have buried their dead in inaccessible places that we stumble upon far after those people have vanished.
I have had two encounters with forest people in my life.
Neither time did I think to snap a photo, even though I had a camera with me, I was far to mesmerized with the sight.
Both times I just sat down which was contrary to what I was taught to do.
For me these were very special, I was doing the wild man part of my training, living alone and off the land, no contact with humans allowed.
The first time, I had heard something moving through the forest, then a tree turned around and stared at me for who knows how long before it simply turned and vanished into the shadows of the trees.
My second encounter was more deliberate, I laid out a fresh deer, in the area I had experienced the first encounter.
I watched that carcass for more than two hours, finally the forest man came and picked up the offered meat, turned and again simply vanished from sight.

As a scientist I can understand so many not believing these people to be real.

As someone who has had the honor of seeing one, I now try to understand more about them, their movements, their actions.
I would love to gather absolute proof of their existence but for one thing.
I know humans pretty well and because of that, even if I found a forest person I would never show anyone where because human nature is to destroy what is feared or not understood.
It is better then that the sasquatch people remain a mystery that is not believed by the many.
Few humans have been allowed to see them and I think that those have been honored for not being like the many.

I spoke of this to the elders not long after completing my training, which is when you go before the medicine council and are expected to tell what you have learned.
When I began to tell of my sightings of the forest man, several of the council stood up and told me to speak no more of it.
These wise men said it would bring bad things to the people if I told all of what I had seen of the forest people.
After the council meeting, my mentor and three other council men came up and had me tell them every detail of my encounters.
Then I was told that I had been given a great gift and was only one of a few that laid eyes on one of these people without coming to harm.
My reaction was to say that I knew it was a special gift to see them, I also knew it was good to have offered food to them and have them accept it.

Do I believe the sasquatch is real? yes I do but it is more a knowing than a believing for me.
One needs to spend time in an area where they live, then make the decision of if they are real or not.
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Location: southern Illinois, USA
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Every culture past and present has contact with what the Irish called the "otherworld".  Elusive creatures living among us, with the ability to stay completely unobserved if they so choose, and often bordering and blending with experiences of the paranormal and the spiritual.  We modern people might tend to believe this is part of the superstitious past, until we meet someone like the other posters above, or someone who has seen a UFO, or a spirit.....
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My son and nephew had a bigfoot sighting in the desert southwest (near Radium Springs, NM) while we were all camping. We were all talking in my mom's camper since it was cold and windy (but clear skies) that night. My son Tyler went outside the trailer to find a place to pee and saw a TALL HAIRY bipedal creature walking in the arroyo. It was covered with hair and had almost no neck, but very broad shoulders. He freaked and ran back to the trailer claiming he'd seen a bigfoot. My nephew left to go with him and look again... they carefully went up to the arroyo and then heard a ground pounding noise, scaping, and then a SCREAM at them that reverberated their insides. My nephew, Derek, said that it felt like infrasound because it affected his guts, and did not sound human, nor did it sound like any known animal.

This sighting account caused me to research this and talk with two bigfoot groups (BFRO and TBRC). I found out there were indeed Bigfoot sightings in the deserts. 18 months later a new sighting occurred in Horizon City, just outside of El Paso where we lived. I jumped in with both feet and began doing Bigfoot research officially! (I was already a ufologist for many years) I am also an anthropologist, so 20 years later published my book as an anthropological study about what people believe about Bigfoot, which you can see here on Amazon (written under my maiden name Sharon Eby):

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