I try not to. I'm a cheapskate and hate to pull out the wallet.
Mint is such an invasive that anyone who has it will be glad to let you come and "weed" their garden. There are many public spaces where you can take a cutting, or find plants that have gone to seed. There is a nice plum tree in the parking lot between TiresPlus and Pier One imports. A cutting from that tree is now growing in my front
yard. There are many ornamental kales in the parking lot that Chick-Fil-A and KrispyKreme share. They are in flower now, but in another month, I will be helping to get rid of the "unsightly" stalks on them.
Another reason to collect locally is that
local plants are further along to adapting to your local climate than nursery plants that could be trucked in from hundreds of miles away.