Well we did just dive in! We currently have 3 barred rocks, 4 new hampshires, and 1 buff orpington. We lost a chick on night #2 (another buff), but the others seem fine. However, the chicks seem to be kicking up our allergies. They are in our living room right now, as there is literally nowhere else to put them. I have a heating pad draped over a cage wire tunnel. Is it even possible to move them out before three weeks? In another
thread I mentioned making a hoop coop...is it possible to go ahead and make it this week and somehow use it as a brooder? I'm considering using a radiant heat barrier and corrugated roofing on it instead of tarp, for whatever that's worth. I think in our climate they'll need the extra measure. It'll be 4'x8' or 8'x8' (roughly), would
hay bales inside that be good, or is it just too early for them?
I hope I'm making sense!