People on other forums have requested me to post some of what i learned from treating folks with end stage cancer so here it is.
People are hungry for ways to solve our problems with cancer. On another
thread Paul Wheaton mentions that 99% of cancer can healed by polycultured vegetables. When I was practicing as a chiropractor I worked with more than 100 folks with end stage cancer. 98 of them got well within 3 months. What was my method.
I work from intuition. I do not work from a program. Looking back though, it looks like the program might have been:
1. The human body is an ecosystem. When it is out of balance it can be brought back into balance. Having cancer is severe form of being out of balance. Any kind of pain is being out of balance. I saw my job as a doctor (chiropractor) to bring the body back inteo balance. Since the human body is much too complicated for me to know what that balance actually is, all I could do is read what it was telling me, where it said it needed input. I was trained in cranial sacral therapy so the electromagnetic imbalance were the signs that I read. There are many kinds of therapy that do this. I would say it is more important to use your intuition to find a therapist than the type of therapy that they practice. Or I could say it is more important how the person with the cancer responds to the therapist or the therapy than what is done to them. There is talk these days of the sweet spot. in a situation with illness, the sweet spot is the place where the universe and the individual meet.
2. Cleanse the body with green drinks made from organic greens for 1 week to 1 month. This is a method for alkalizing the body. Someone lately said to me that some cancers are based on an alkaline system and that my 2 patients may have needed acidifying. This may be true.
3. This is the life coach piece: Get people to become aware of what they love, what nurtured them and to start doing it every day. I started this process by asking folks to do one thing they loved the next day. Often if they were moms they would tell me they did something special with their kids. I would say okay tomorrow you need to do something special only for yourself. I remember when I took a
workshop on how to find what my real purpose on the planet was, they said first thing that I was to write my purpose down. I got so constipated that I could do nothing through the whole workshop. People have to start small and be gently encouraged to find one small thing that nurtures them. As time went on folks were encouraged to find more things every day that would nurture them and even to earn a living doing what nurtured them. Most people are out of touch with themselves. Even when we know what we need we do something else. So good coaching, helping people to listen to themselves and do what they hear from themselves is necessary.
4. Once the system is cleansed it is important to eat a low protein diet of (as Paul would say polycultured vegetables and ( I would so no tilled, without fertilizer and without
irrigation polycultured vegetables and grains. (Proteins
feed the cancer – once the cancer is healed a diet of moderate protein can be started.) All bodies know how to cure themselves from cancer (or any other thing). They often do not have the nutrients that they need to do this. Alkalizing helps the microfauna of the body to work properly. As with the soil, the microfauna are key to the body ireceiving nutrients.
I had a patient with long term chronic pain. He had been a football player and his muscles were well developed. I use a fairly light touch and he did not believe that my work could possibly affect him through all those muscle layers. Would I press harder, would I twist him and make his bones “pop.” I said it would not serve him for me to do that, but I understood that he believed that he needed something else, so to please go to someone else and get it. He returned about a year later still in chronic pain. He said he could allow himself at this point to believe that my work could help. 3 months later he was out of his 30 years of pain. What we think definitely influences who can help us.
This makes it extremely difficult for those of us who believe that a logical, mental, non-emotional delivery, as most doctors have been trained to have, is necessary for their healing. Sickness if very serious after all. What if it takes levity, joy and an excitement about change to make us well.
i had one patient with a slow growing type of cancer who had been seeing alternative healers for 20 years. when she came to me i "got" that she needed black strap molasses. She asked me what that would do. i told her i did not know, but i know, but i did know that it would not harm her and it may very well help her. she took a spoonful in a glass of water 3 times a day, as well as my work on balancing her body. 3 months later the cancer was totally gone. i was somewhere 3 years later and was reading about a rare form of cancer (her kind) where they had discovered that something in black strap molasses was what the body needed.
Many years ago I had 2 friends, or maybe I
should say acquaintances, who I had known for many years, who were both diagnosed with cancer the same year. They were both in their 80’s. One ate a raw foods diet. The other ate a totally macrobiotic diet. Without knowing each other, they each chose the opposite diet. The one who lived on raw foods started a macrobiotic diet. The one who lived on a macrobiotic diet started a
raw food diet. Both survived and got rid of the cancer. Both ate organically. Part of what I believe worked for them is that they both exerted their will force to made big changes in their lives. Otherwise I cannot explain it.
What I do see is that we cannot go on doing what we were doing and expect different results. Cancer is probably the result of many years of a starving metabolism. A lot of cancer is said to be caused by chemicals. However those chemicals affect some people and not everyone. We expect that the people with access to good nutrition and good attitude, as well as good support, have a better chance of fighting off cancer and rebalancing their system when they do get it.