A feof the compounds attributed to the
medicinal value are salicin and populin. Both of these compounds have properties similar to aspirin: fever reducing abilities, pain relief and anti-inflammation.
PARTS OF PLANT USED : The leaves, bark, and buds of Populus tremuloides are used. Collect the bark in spring. Gather it from pruned branches or branches that have fallen to the ground. This has bitter taste but no odor.
PLANT ANALYSIS : The bark of Populus tremuloides contains salicin, an aspirin like substance. It is considered anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and slightly sedative. Salicin breaks down in the body to salicylic acid, a substance related to active ingredient in aspirin.
MEDICINAL ACTION : Quaking aspen is considered tonic, stimulant, febrifuge, diuretic, anodyne, anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic, antiseptic, astringent, bitter, and a cholagogue.
MEDICINAL USES : The chief use of Populus tremuloides is for intermittent fevers. It has been used as a diuretic, and as a treatment for gonorrhea. An infusion of the bark is said to be helpful for chronic diarrhea, and a safe substitute for Peruvian bark.
The traditional uses for quaking aspen include: stomach or liver disorders, arthritis, benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH), cancer, common cold, cystitis, debility, diarrhea, dysentery, dyspepsia, fever, fibrositis, flatulence, inflammation, rheumatism, and rheumatoid arthritis.
Native American uses of this plant include:
root bark tea for excessive menstrual flow; poultices made of the root for cuts and wounds; and a tea made of the inner bark for venereal disease, stomach pain, urinary ailments, worms, colds, and fevers. The leaf buds may be used in a salve for colds, coughs, and irritated nostrils. The tincture of the bark contains salicin and is a remedy for fevers, rheumatism, arthritis, and diarrhea.
The buds are slightly sticky and can be made into tea or salve for internal or external use. Boil the buds in olive oil or lard to make a soothing salve.
Aspen has been used externally as a wash for inflammations, cuts scratches, wounds and burns.
A tea may be used for coughs or gargle for sore throat.
DOSAGE : To make a decoction of the bark use 1 ounce of dried bark to 1 quart boiling
As an Extract: 1/4 to 1 teaspoon 3 times a day, as directed by health care professional. Always take with plenty of juice or with water at mealtime, unless instructed otherwise. - geocities.com