I have been chatting with the folks at Permaculture Design International about coming east to offer their World ClassPDC. THEY SAID YES!!! if there's enough interest. That's what I'm lobbing out this a.m. aka what interest is out there?
Spring 2017 at our Permaculture Farm. This will be an complete 12 day program. They also will offer individual consultation for local like minded folks wanting customized expertise.
#permcualture #sustainableliving #homesteading
People to ask to spread the word:
twin oaks twinoaks.org
their sister communities -- acorn, cambia, sapling, living energy farm
they're north of you i guess, in Louisa, but not too far a drive for those who can drive or carpool
the DC area permaculture meetup
maybe there's a local-er meetup in Louisa county, it's got so many off-grid-living types
good luck.
Community Building 2.0: ask me about drL, the rotational-mob-grazing format for human interactions.
I'm definitely interested as well. I'm in upstate NY, and have been dying to do to one of Paul's PDCs. But Missoula is just too far to travel. I could make it to VA, though.
NY and VA are pretty different climates. Let's get a whole contingent of VA-ers on board!
For northerners, there are good PDCs in NY--Andrew Faust I'm sure teaches some in Ellenville and New York City, and we have Lisa Fernandez here in Boston. Lisa DiPinao teaches in Western Mass.
Community Building 2.0: ask me about drL, the rotational-mob-grazing format for human interactions.
I would be interested, we plan on moving to our new location in about 2 years (NE Tennessee) so this would be perfect (if you will take someone from TN, go whatever TN's sports team is ) .
And remember - "Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder" - Kinky Freidman
Great! I'm located in Hillsborough, NC and while the idea of going to Missoula for a PDC sounds nice, I think it's immensely valuable to do your PDC where you're planning to do your permie stuff. So please keep us east-coasters updated on this as you get more information.
Dan Stanifer wrote:I would be interested, we plan on moving to our new location in about 2 years (NE Tennessee) so this would be perfect (if you will take someone from TN, go whatever TN's sports team is ) .
I am a TN girl~ You bet I would. I'll keep you posted!
very, very excited about having a PDC here in VA!! It is hard to find permaculture info about this bioregion. I'm across the river from Williamsburg. However, my boss will only let me take vacation late April to early August. Or December. Awkward times to host a PDC, I know.
Have you posted this to the Blue Ridge Permaculture Network?
Hey Wendy - we're looking at May 30 - Jun10/12. Not a bad time at all. I have not contacted any of the suggested places yet - want to get the details finalized. I'll keep everyone posted and thanks so much for you interest!
We are ready to roll!!! So very excited to have this impressive group heading to VA to offer a PDC followed by an Advanced Permaculture Design Concentration.
Please help me to spread to word - this is so incredible.
www.cricketscove.net has a Permaculture Courses tab, just drill down and there is a hot link to the brochure.