So what’s the deal with outrageously priced cucumber seed?!
The types I’m looking for are variously called English, European, or
greenhouse cucumbers. I’m looking for information on how to save seed from these types, and if it’s possible to create an open pollinated variety, or how an open pollinated variety could even exist. I have seen Telegraph (Territorial Seeds) which claims to be open pollinated, and isn't as expensive - but if it's gynoeceious, how can I save the seeds if there are no male flowers to pollinate the female flowers?!
The varieties I’m looking at are generally described as:
Parthenocarpic - ability to set fruit without pollination
Gynoecious - has nearly all female flowers
Hybrid - well, you know what that means . . .
So! My question is - is there an open pollinated variety I can save seed from, or is it possible to create an open pollinated variety of the ‘classic’ English cucumber? I don’t even know where to start in figuring this out . . .
In case you want to know why I want to create an open pollinated variety - there are two reasons:
1. I have a market garden, and this type of cucumber brings in more money, and many people prefer them.
2. It irritates me that seed companies charge such outrageous prices for these varieties, and you can’t even save the seed. That’s just . . . wrong.
Any information you have to share is greatly appreciated!