I've been working in a first serious garden this year and I'm coming to find out all of the things I don't know, especially when it comes to plant diseases. I think I've actually been causing more harm with what I do know, so I decided to bring it here, to the experts. Some of the relevant facts are that the garden is pretty small, so things are close to maximize space, it's usually partially shaded half the day and fully shaded in the evening, and with
wood munch, it stays pretty wet, especially with the fairly consistent rain we've been getting here this year. I also foliar
feed once a week with a mixture several organic fertilizers including Garrett Juice, Kelp, and molasses.
First up is a set of cherry
trees, one rainier and one bing, pictures attached. The leaves started turning yellow about a month ago, first on one, then the other. Thinking it was a nutrient deficiency, I starting increasing foliar feeding them. Looking at them now, I'm pretty sure they both have leaf shot, meaning that wetting them down with lots of taste nutrients on a weekly basis was probably about the worst thing I could have done, I'm not sure if there is a leaf left that isn't effected. The effective treatments I've seen suggested are decidedly not organic. Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm currently debating adding them to list to spray with Potassium Bicarbonate with the squash and cucumbers (more on them later) and seeing if there's any improvement in the next month or just stripping and disposing of all the infected leaves, which would be almost all of them, and seeing if the ones that regrow have a fighting chance. Anyone who has some
experience with leaf shot in cherry trees, I would appreciate any advice you have to share.
Next on the list would be the squash and zucchini with powdery mildew. I've been spraying them once a week with a solution of 2 tablespoons of Potassium Bicarbonate in 1 gallon of
water. I know sodium bicarbonate is the usual recommendation, but from what I've been able to find, the Potassium is equally as effective and will be better for the soil in the long run. Recently, the mildew seems to be spreading faster and more prolifically. I wondering if I
should up the strength of the solution or be spraying more frequently?
Also, looking at my cucumber plants, I'm pretty such they have a blight, as opposed to a nutrient deficiency. I've been spraying them once a week along with the squash and zucchini, but it doesn't seem to be having much effect. However, it may be slowing the spread as it seems to be spreading a slow, but consistent rate, but I don't have a lot of experience to know how fast it spreads untreated. Again, should I up the strength, spray more often, or is it just a limited effectiveness process?
Finally, should I be foliar feeding my fruit trees? Looking at the conditions leaf shot develops in, it would seem to asking for trouble with cherry tress. I also have
apple, peach, pear, plum, and fig. Should any, all, or none of them be foliar fed? Again, any and all advice will be greatly appreciated.